Strong chins are more common in men, but a lot of women request chin surgery to achieve a more discreet and graceful chin. Genioplasty can change the appearance of the chin in order to restore facial harmony.
This surgery can correct two aesthetic issues with the chin : the ‘weak’ or receding chin or the protruding chin.
A lot of genioplasty patients use this opportunity to correct a double chin and rejuvenate the appearance of the chin to neck area. While most genioplasty procedures aim at bringing the chin forward, there are also reduction procedures with the goal of bringing the chin back.
![Correction chin imbalances](
Correction chin imbalances with genioplasty
Genioplasty : surgical techniques
Receding chin
In case of a weak chin, 3 techniques can be used :
- Placing a silicone implant in the chin.
- Performing an osteotomy to bring the chin forward : the chin bone is cut horizontally and the bone fragment obtained is placed further forward and attached with metal plates and screws.
- Bone graft : bone grafts can be harvested in the nasal hump, the skull, the pelvis, etc.
The chin can also be corrected without surgery, with a non-invasive treatment. Hyaluronic acid based products can be injected in the chin to create volume and bring the chin forward. Filler injections are not permanents, results can last around 6 months.
Protruding chin
In the case of a protruding or overly large chin, there are approaches :
- Filing the jaw bone : the lower edge of the bone is filed by the surgeon to reshape the chin.
- Performing an osteotomy to bring the chin back : excess bone is cut and the front part of the chin is attached with metal plates and screws.