If you are unsatisfied with the appearance of your nose, because of an overly large, deviated ot sagging nasal tip, rhinoplasty can correct these imperfections. The most common imperfections motivating patients to request surgery are the overprojection of the tip, the sagging tip and asymmetries in the nasal tip.
Overly large nasal tips
A large nasal tip can result from different factors. Overly large alar cartilages can be a cause. When the nasal tip is split in two with a cleft (this is caused by the domes of the alar cartilages being too big), the tip can seem too large. An improper angle of the domes of the cartilages can also be a cause, along with thick skin in the nasal tip.
The tip of the nose can be deviated for different reasons. One congenital cause is an asymmetry of the cartilages forming the domes or a septum deviation in its anterior part. Trauma can also cause deviations in the nasal tip as well as a previously botched rhinoplasty.
Sagging nasal tip
The sagging tip of the nose requires correction to restore balance in the whole face, particularly from a side view angle and in relation with the forehead and chin.
Nostrils can also sag and hide the columella. This can be accentuated when the person smiles. This is caused by hyperactivity of a spécific muscle in the nose, but it can easily be corrected.
Different techniques can be used to correct the overly large, deviated or sagging tip of the nose. Depending on the patient’s issue, surgery can differ a lot. If you are wondering what type of procedure can achieve the result you want, don’t hesitate to contact Dr.Balti through the contact page of the website to get specific answers.