tuberous breasts

Tuberous breasts

Breast malformations are relatively common for women, but also for men. These malformations are hard to live with and often lead to significant self-consciousness issues : difficulties finding clothes, fear of looking in the mirror, anxiety, etc. Breast malformations are congenital (birth defect), which means abnormal breast growth is responsible for their abnormal shape or symmetry. They are usually diagnosed during teenagehood, at the end of breast breast growth. Breast malformations often run in the same family, with the mother or the sister having same defect or a variant. Tuberous breasts is the most common malformation responsible for serious psychological issues.

Characteristics of tuberous breasts

tuberous breasts surgery tunisia

Tuberous breasts surgery in Tunisia

  • Cylindrical shape of the breasts (‘tube’ appearance)
  • Abnormal breast base, which is decreased. Breast growth occurs frontward and towards the upper sections, not towards the periphery, which explains their tuber shape.
  • Breast asymmetry. Both breasts are usually tuberous, but one of the two can be affected more severely than the other.
  • The areola can be oversized compared to the rest of the breast, domed and pointing downward. In half the cases, the areola is projected or protruded because of herniated glandular tissue.

How to treat tuberous breasts

Treating tuberous breast often relies on mastopexy (breast lift), breast reduction and or breast augmentation (with implants or fat grafting) techniques. The goals of tuberous breasts surgery are the following :

  • Restore normal breast symmetry
  • Lift up the breasts
  • Reshape the breast so that they look natural and balanced
  • Increase or decrease breast size
  • Increase definition of the inframammary fold
  • Decrease the areolas diameter