Losing belly fat is a major challenge nowadays for a lot of people. Men and women all want a balanced body, especially during summer to be able to wear a bathing suit on the beach with self-conscious feelings.
One of the main reasons explaining why surgical treatments designed to decrease subcutaneous fat are very popular is belly fat.

Losing belly fat with the help of liposuction
Overweight causes
Causes of fat accumulation in the stomach region are multiple. Belly bulge can develop at any age for women and men. In women, excess fat in the abdominal region often results from hormonal changes after pregnancy. During menopause, fat tends to migrate from the hips to the stomach.In men, fat accumulation can be caused by hormones as well. Testosterone levels in men between 45 and 60 years old progressively decrease, which is referred to as the andropause, or male menopause. Belly bulge starts to develop during this time and usually doesn’t respond to exercise and diet.
Belly bulge can also result from massive weight loss or, on the contrary, from excessive caloric intake. When the body absorbs more calories than it burns, fat starts to bulge in the stomach region.
Treatments to lose belly fat
The abdominal region is located between the thorax and the pelvic area where most organs of the digestive system are located. If fat is located around the navel, liposuction can easily remove excess belly fat. In this area, fat is soft and skin is usually elastic enough to be able to retract. However, if excess fat lies around the intestines, liposuction cannot remove it, it is also worth noting that this type of fat, called visceral fat, is associated with a wide variety of health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. Patients presenting with excess visceral fat are advised to lose weight by changing their eating habits.
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