When we are young, our jawline, extending from the ears to the chin, is smooth and well defined. However, with age, jowls progressively form under the effect of skin sagging at the corners of the mouth or in the chin line. This causes the appearance of the chin to be altered. Fortunately, when skin sagging is mild or moderate, non-surgical options such as filler injections are available to treat this issue.


Non-invasive facial rejuvenation : treating the chin with hyaluronic acid

What type of filler is used to treat the chin area ?

Fillers are commonly used to improve the appearance of scars, wrinkles, folds and other aging signs affecting facial skin. Fillers are substances with a soft consistency injected in the skin to improve its appearance. The most common type of filler used for facial rejuvenation purposes is hyaluronic acid. This substance is incredibly versatile and can be found in the whole human body as well as other living organisms. Hyaluronic acid (HA) has many functions. It gives skin elasticity and volume, which makes it look young and smooth.

Filler injections typically use reticulated non animal acid produced by laboratories. It is a perfectly safe procedure since the HA molecule is naturally produced by the body. Specialists also use it to rejuvenate areas such as the chin, the nasolabial folds, lips and cheeks.

How the chin is treated

An anesthetic is applied half an hour before the treatment to numb the treatment area. HA is injected at precision locations and the practitioner massages the area to smooth out the product. The result can be seen immediately after the injections and its duration ranges from 6 to 12 months.

After the injections, patients are advised to avoid makeup in the area for at least 6 hours to avoid unnecessary risks of infection. Specific instructions are also given by the practitioner on a case-by-case basis.  Since HA injections results are not permanent, maintenance injections are necessary for patients to be able to enjoy their result durably.