Buttocks shapes
There are two procedures designed to increase the size of the buttocks : buttock implants and buttock augmentation with fat transfer. While volume increase is often what female patients expect from their surgery, the natural shape of the patient’s buttocks is an important factor to take into account to determine how to proceed. The clinical examination allows the surgeon to assess the shape of the buttocks. If you want to benefit from fat transfer for buttock augmentation in Tunisia, fill in the contact form of Dr.Balti’s website to receive a free quotation.
Square shape
Square shaped buttocks have the same width from waist to hips, they tend to have a masculine and flat appearance when viewed from the side. Patients with square buttocks are usually dissatisfied with the shape of their buttocks, not necessarily their volume.
Round shape
The round shaped butt has a well-defined curvature below the hips. In this case, the hips are usually wide. The round shaped butt can seem disproportionate when the curvature marking the hips to butt transition is too steep, which is why some patients need liposuction in the upper part of the buttock to soften the beginning of the area.
V shape
V shaped buttocks have a triangle shape, those are hollow at the hips and not rounded. Women with V shaped buttocks usually have a narrow waist.
Heart shape
Heart, or ‘A’, shaped buttocks are rounded at the hips with more fat tissue in their lower part (on the sides and bottom of the buttocks). Women with a heart shaped butt usually have wide hips.
H shape
H shaped buttocks are usually straight at the hips and slightly rounded at the back. The hips are usually narrow.
While the round and heart shapes are considered as the most attractive ones, women with these shapes sometimes lack volume in the buttocks, which can be corrected by a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. On the other hand, women with the H, V and square buttock shapes request the butt augmentation procedure to get round or heart shaped buttocks.